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Why Should I Tutor With Us?
It's the best tutoring platform in the world. Here's why
It's easy to use
No experience is needed. In fact, most of our tutors have never officially tutored before.
You'll get students
Once you've registered with StudyGoals as a tutor, students will be able to easily find you.
You'll get paid
You will be paid based on the rate that you have set after each session.
We've got your back
From signing up to cashing out, we built a seamless experience with a team to help standing by.
How does it work?
Start tutoring in three easy steps
Add Courses
Select all of the courses that you can tutor. Must have a B in the course to tutor students in that course.
Get Students
You’ll be notified when students request help from you in a specific course. At this time, they've already agreed to pay the rate that you set.
Start Tutoring
Tutor online with our video chat features!
Your students will get the grades they need to graduate and you get paid.
Get paid for helping students
Set the hourly rate that you would like to be paid for each session.
Connect your bank
Add your bank account information to set up direct deposit.
Get money quickly
Direct deposits are automatically initiated after each session and will hit your bank account within 3-5 business days.
Get Started Today
Create your free profile in minutes
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